A top regional hospital in Nashville wanted to increase awareness and visit rates among new movers in the area. They turned to Braintree Health to collaborate on a turnkey new mover direct mail program that yielded a return on spend of $250 in hospital revenue for every $1 spent on marketing efforts and boosted brand visibility and response rates.

The Strategy

Braintree first worked with the hospital to identify top audience segments. Several market areas were identified and Braintree provided the largest new mover file available and targeted the most recent new movers into the area in order to create a larger audience to increase brand recognition and position the hospital as top of mind for recently relocated prospects in need of care.

In addition to identifying the prime market area, Braintree managed the data selection including selection, segmentation, and processing to produce a final mail file based on versioning and personalization.

Processing included the merging and purging of files, addition of seeds, removal of current patients from acquisition mailing lists, addition of tracking IMBC, and the output of the final mail file. Braintree then created and managed the direct mail production specifications and ongoing print and letter shop production.

The Approach

Braintree managed the turnkey new mover marketing campaign and helped collaborate with the hospital to create the primary marketing piece – a multi-page, self mailer with a tipped in wallet card, which was sent to all new movers in the area on a monthly basis. The mailer positioned the hospital as a leading provider and partner for new movers’ and their family’s healthcare. The tipped in wallet included a link to an online physician directory, as well as welcomed new movers to the neighborhood.

Braintree also managed the tracking and measurement analysis of the campaign from beginning to end by providing insightful tracking reports that showed the impact of each mail drop on visit rates, revenue, and provided visibility to referral efforts, insurance categories, and mapping.

The Results

Braintree found that the campaign generated a significant ROI, with $250 in hospital revenue generated for every $1 spent on marketing cost.

Additionally, Braintree found that the turnkey new mover program significantly increased visit rates among recipients of the mailer. 5% of recipients visited the hospital, whether inpatient or outpatient, within the first three months following the mailing. In the initial six months following the mailing, 9% of recipients visited the hospital, and at 12 months following the mailing, visit rates hit 12% among recipients.

Braintree provided the results in a monthly tracking report, which showed month over month revenue, as well as tracking each mail drop at 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months out. The results report also provided geography mapping of respondents to provide insight into top performing geographies; the percentage of visits by payer category, and ER visit rates among recipients.

The Takeaway

Through a combination of smart marketing strategy and action-oriented data, Braintree was able to generate high response rates, ROI, and enhance patient acquisition efforts for our client.

This campaign and its results also reinforced the importance of marketing to new movers for healthcare providers. New movers are an invaluable audience, and studies show that healthcare providers are one of the top five services that they consider high priority to identify once they’ve moved to a new area.

Braintree also believes in the power of insight, which is why our turnkey marketing solutions include campaign tracking and measurement efforts. Throughout this campaign, detailed reporting and results measurement enabled our client to make informative, patient-centric decisions that affected not just their marketing, but their overall patient approach.